The firm's expertise


Our Income Tax Department has decades of experience representing clients before the Tax Authority including representation in complex tax audits, obtaining pre-rulings as well as representing clients in civil proceedings before the Courts.

We provide a full range of services to individuals (Israeli residents and foreign residents and foreign tax residents) public and private companies, domestic and multi-national entities, banks, insurance companies, trusts, investment fuds and more.

In addition, our firm provides expert advice and support in planning and implementing efficient investment structures before transactions, in joint ventures, restructurings (including acquisitions, mergers and splits, as well as asset transfers between companies), taxation of start-up companies (including employee stock option plans), and maximizing tax benefits, grants, exemptions, and deferrals under various incentive laws. We also specialize in taxation of trusts (and similar entities – foundations, establishments, etc.) offer guidance in voluntary disclosure proceedings.

The department partners complied the renowned book series "Income Tax", that is considered the leading tax textbook in Israel and is frequently cited by the courts in tax rulings.